A drain or injection in a major joint or bursa without an ultrasound is the musculoskeletal procedure with the highest volume in 2021, according to claims data in a June report from Definitive Healthcare.
Here are the top 10 musculoskeletal procedures with the highest volumes in 2021, followed by total number of procedures:
- Drain/injection major joint/bursa without ultrasound: 5,020,496
- Injection tendon sheath/ligament: 973,442
- Drain/injection joint/bursa with ultrasound: 908,671
- Total knee arthroplasty: 600,266
- Inject trigger points on three or more muscles: 533,225
- Drain/injection intermediate joint/bursa without ultrasound: 467,369
- Apply forearm splint: 449,507
- Injection trigger point 1/2 muscle: 400,125
- Drain/injection small joint/bursa without ultrasound: 393,756
- Apply multilayer compression system lower leg: 379,581