What can GI physicians do to boost GERD awareness?

Dr. YepuriNov. 23 marked the beginning of National Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Week. Jay N. Yepuri, MD, of Digestive Health Associates of Texas in Bedford, discusses advances in GERD treatment and how gastroenterologists can play an active role in improving patient awareness.

Question:  How can individual GI physicians and GI practices promote GERD awareness?

Dr. Jay Yepuri: We need to talk about GERD the same way we talk about colon cancer screening and prevention. It needs to be a regular conversation with our patients. When appropriate, I make it a point to ask every patient about heartburn and reflux symptoms. We also discuss alarm symptoms, such as difficulty swallowing or abdominal pain, and potential complications of GERD like Barrett's Esophagus and esophageal cancer. Patient education is key.

Q: What are some of the biggest challenges in the GERD treatment field?

JY: Research suggests that long term proton pump inhibitor medical therapy for GERD, while effective for most patients, can be associated with a number of adverse effects. Long-term medical therapy is also quite expensive and a major target for insurance companies and pharmacy benefit providers as they find ways to cut the cost of care. This creates administrative headaches for physicians and delays in therapy for patients. Furthermore, while we have an array of surgical and endoscopic therapies for GERD, the quality and efficacy of these therapies varies. I think this situation creates significant confusion for patients, insurance companies and providers.

Q: How have procedures and technologies for GERD treatment advanced in the past few years?

JY: From laparoscopic therapies such as a Nissen fundoplication or the LINX procedure to endoscopic therapies such as the TIF or Stretta procedure, procedures and technologies for the management of GERD in the current era epitomize the concept of minimally invasive therapy.  

Q: What opportunities do you think there are for the improvement of GERD awareness and treatment?

JY: Grass roots "direct-to-the-patient" education is key. Physicians need to talk about GERD and its potential complications routinely. Upper endoscopies should be offered when appropriate. Medical and surgical options for the management of GERD also need to be discussed when appropriate. Ultimately, patients (as consumers) will influence what insurance companies will cover and what providers will offer. Empowering patients through education is essential if we are to optimize the care of our patients with GERD.

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