76 gastroenterologist compensation statistics

Carrie Pallardy -

Here are 76 statistics on gastroenterologist compensation.

Gastroenterologist salary based on quartiles

•    Bottom 10 percent: $238,826
•    25th percentile: $287,589
•    50th percentile: $341,148
•    75th percentile: $407,474
•    Top 10 percent: $467,861

Gastroenterologist salary plus bonus based on quartiles

•    Bottom 10 percent: $243,338
•    25th percentile: $298,675
•    50th percentile: $359,456
•    75th percentile: $$432,977
•    Top 10 percent: $499,915

Median gastroenterologist benefits

•    Base salary: $341,148 (75.7 percent)
•    Bonuses: $18,307 (4.1 percent)
•    Social security: $12,262 (2.7 percent)
•    401k/403B: $9,000 (2 percent)
•    Disability: $3,235 (0.7 percent)
•    Healthcare: $6,592 (1.5 percent)
•    Pension: $15,750 (3.5 percent)
•    Time off: $44,241 (9.8 percent)


Gastroenterologist salary vs. other specialties


Top five

•    Orthopedics: $413,000
•    Cardiology: $351,000
•    Urology: $348,000
•    Gastroenterology: $348,000
•    Radiology: $340,000

Bottom five

•    Internal medicine: $188,000
•    Diabetes and endocrinology: $184,000
•    Pediatrics; $181,000
•    Family medicine: $176,000
•    HIV/infectious disease: $174,000

Gastroenterologist salary by geographic region

•    Great Lakes: $382,000
•    Southwest: $380,000
•    North Central: $378,000
•    Northwest: $368,000
•    South Central: $365,000
•    West: $340,000
•    Southeast: $349,000
•    Northeast: $335,000
•    Mid-Atlantic: $319,000

Gastroenterologist salary by practice setting

•    Office-based multispecialty group practice: $404,000
•    Office-based single-specialty group practice: $395,000
•    Healthcare organization: $392,000
•    Outpatient clinic: $366,000
•    Office-based solo practice: $339,000
•    Hospital: $266,000
•    Academic (non-hospital), research, military, government: $239,000

Medscape Gastroenterologist Compensation Report 2014

Gastroenterologist salary by geographic region


•    Northwest: $498,000
•    Southwest: $404,000
•    North Central: $375,000
•    South Central: $356,000
•    Southeast: $349,000
•    Great Lakes: $344,000
•    West: $342,000
•    North East: $319,000
•    Mid-Atlantic: $311,000

Gastroenterologist salary by practice setting


•    Academic: $236,000
•    Healthcare organization: $434,000
•    Hospital: $264,000
•    Multispecialty group practice: $421,000
•    Single-specialty group practice: $381,000
•    Solo practice: $340,000
•    Other: $104,000

Medscape Gastroenterologist Compensation Report 2013

Average hourly compensation for full-time gastroenterologists

•    National average compensation: $223
•    Average benefits: $45
•    Total average compensation: $268

Jackson & Coker Physician Salary Calculator

Gastroenterologist salary 2006 to 2011

2006 to 2007:

•    Low: $200,000
•    Average: $365,000
•    High: $450,000

2007 to 2008:

•    Low: $250,000
•    Average: $379,000
•    High: $475,000

2008 to 2009:

•    Low: $250,000
•    Average: $393,000
•    High $600,000

2009 to 2010:

•    Low: $300,000
•    Average: $411,000
•    High: $600,000

2010 to 2011:

•    Low: $300,000
•    Average: $424,000
•    High: $505,000
Merritt Hawkins 2011 Review of Physician Recruiting Incentives report

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