A solid majority of female physicians, 70%, have a net worth of less than $2 million, according to Medscape's "Money Matters When You're Playing Catchup: Medscape Female Physician Wealth & Debt Report 2024," published Dec. 5.
Here are six additional stats to know on female physicians' wealth and debt in 2024:
1. A plurality of female physicians, 29%, have a net worth of less than $500,000, while 19% are worth $500,000 to $999,999 and 22% are worth $1 million to $1,999,999.
2. Just 10% of female physicians are worth more than $5 million. By comparison, 14% of male physicians are worth more than $5 million.
3. Asian American female physicians have the highest net worths on average, with 11% worth over $5 million.
4. The largest debt expense female physicians face is a mortgage on a primary home at 63%.
5. A majority of female physicians, 64%, have suffered no major financial losses in the last year. A majority, 61%, have also never made an investing mistake.
6. A majority of female physicians, 62%, live within their means — just slightly more than male physicians at 59%.